Over the years, as a brand designer I’ve had a lot of people ask me what exactly it is that I do. At first, this question took me by surprise because I thought everyone knew about brand designers. For a long time, I explained what I did as logo design and website design. Imposter syndrome really had me down. Now, as a seasoned freelance designer, I understand the importance of explaining my services to people so here’s what a brand designer does and why you need us.
What’s a brand designer?
A brand designer helps a business develop a visual design that speaks to their customers. In order to capture your customer’s attention, you’ll need a unique logo design suite. Something that not only stands out but is easy to remember-that’s where a brand designer like myself would come in and really help you create something truly one of a kind.
What’s visual design?
Visual design aims to use typography, color theory, imagery, and other elements to create a design. The design can be digital or physical.
Instagram profile picture
Social media content design
Package design
Marketing collateral
Stand signs
Why would someone need a brand designer?
Anyone looking to build a successful business should connect with the professional brand designer early in their business formation process.
When should I hire a brand designer?
You want to hire a brand designer before starting the brand design process. After speaking with a brand strategist or coach who can help you iron out your brand strategy details. When you come to a brand designer, you’ll want to already be familiar with your target audience and how you are going to use strategy to capture their attention and make them a repeat customer.
If you are looking for a professional brand designer to help you create a brand design that really captures your audience, I’d love to help you!
Brittany, I love your energy. Your enthusiasm and heart-felt love for empowering clients is phenomenal!! You are believable!! Thank You.